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About Coach Loraine

If you don't do it, you will never dare to

As a young girl I always danced in my room and performed in the garden. There was never enough room to get all the expression out. As a gymnast I loved performing on music and singing my heart out. Something that is scary to show to the outside world. 

With my life tool "If you don't do it, you will never dare to" I like to show that you are capable of more than you think. The more you try how easier it gets (and how more you dare).

Further I love the technique behind a turn, cool dance moves or big leaps. Therefore I became a choreographer in Gymnastics. A choreographer who teaches beam, ballet and floor to girls who want to reach the highest level in gymnastics. I've coached in different countries and it's great to see different approaches to a skill or move.

I love to share my experience, tips & tricks in all different kinds of schooling sessions for you all. 

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About Coach Loraine: Over mij
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